Investment approach of higher education institutions to the development of educational platforms

Magazine Name

Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias




January 27, 2025


Natalia Bobro, Dora Ivanova, Kostyantyn Pyvovarov, Zorina Shatskaya, Volodymyr Kucheriavyi



Introduction: Investment in education is a determining factor in improving its quality, especially investment in innovative tools such as modern educational platforms. Objectives: The aim is to characterise the critical determinants of the investment approach of higher education institutions to develop educational platforms. Methods: The paper uses correlation and regression analysis, as well as analysis of secondary survey data. Results: As a result of the study, the main determinants of the investment approach of HEIs to the development of educational platforms were characterised. These are the motivation for investment, student expectations, and the model and sources of investment. It was found that the efficiency, accessibility of education, and productivity of human capital are positively correlated with education expenditures, innovation, and the level of adaptation to online education. At the same time, the most substantial impact was observed from the adaptation of online education on the indicator of the human capital index (the HCI). Conclusions: It was concluded that the efficiency, accessibility of education and productivity of human capital are the key goals and motivations for investment in education. Through the analysis of survey data, the critical expectations of students from learning on online platforms were identified. An international experience analysis has helped identify the most popular investment models.





Consultation with
Natalia Bobro

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