Magazine Name

Scientific innovations and advanced technologies




September 17, 2024


Bobro Natalia



This article offers a comprehensive analysis of the digital university concept as a key element of the modern transformation of higher education amid rapid digital technological advancements. It examines the essence and characteristics of educational digitalization, detailing how digital technologies impact various university functions, including teaching, management, research, and stakeholder interaction. Two primary models of implementing the digital university concept are identified and analyzed: as a business model and as a public good. The business model involves the transformation of universities into economic entities based on the use of digital technologies to provide paid educational services and optimize resources. The public good model envisions digital universities as platforms focused on providing open knowledge access and digital competency development to the population supported by the state. The article also explores four interdependent elements of a digital university: digital format, digitalenvironment, digital resources, and digital platform. It is demonstrated that the digital format encompasses the use of innovative technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, to foster interactive and practice-oriented learning. The digital environment is conceptualized as a blend of physical and virtual spaces that facilitate effective interaction among participants in the educational process. Digital resources are defined as tools and materials that support both learning and research activities,while the digital platform serves as the integration mechanism that unites all components of the digital university into a cohesive functional system. The article underscores the importance of implementing an inclusion policy and adopting an ecosystem approach for the successful digital transformation of universities. It highlights that the active involvement of all stakeholders, and the creation of a sustainable digital ecosystem contribute to the efficiency and adaptability of educational institutions tocontemporary challenges. In conclusion, the article asserts that a digital university is a vital instrument for advancing modern education, contributing to the training of skilled professionals capable of acting effectively in the digital economy and knowledge society. To achieve the full benefits of digital transformation, it is essential to address the complexity of the process and balance technological innovations with human factors and the socio-economic needs.





Consultation with
Natalia Bobro

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