An Integrative Model for a Digital University in Modern Education
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The integrative model of a digital university is pivotal in transformingmodern education, offering an innovative framework for organizing educationalprocesses. In the context of global digitalization, developing an integrated digitaluniversity model enhances learning efficiency, promotes personalized educationalpathways, and strengthens the competitiveness of higher education institutions. Thisstudy addresses the critical need to integrate digital platforms, automate educationalprocesses, and cultivate an adaptive learning environment.Purpose: This article aimsto develop an integrative model of a digital university that synthesizes pedagogical,technical, and managerial elements to adapt the educational process to the demandsof digital transformation. The researchmethodology includes analyzing contemporaryscientific sources, comparing theoretical and practical approaches to educationaldigitalization, and modeling an integrative digital university system.Results: Thefindings indicate that a digital university operates as a complex system with four key components: digital learning format, digital environment, digital resources, anddigital platform. The digital learning format incorporates innovative technologies suchas virtual reality, interactive simulators, and digital simulations, fostering deeperstudent engagement with learning materials and promoting autonomy. The digitalenvironment integrates physical and virtual infrastructures, including intelligentcontrol systems, cloud technologies, and high-speed Internet, forming the foundationfor university operations. Digital resources provide access to educational materials,electronic libraries, massive online courses, and databases, streamlining educationalprocesses. The digital platform serves as a multifunctional tool that unifieseducational, management, and analytical functions, enhancing administrativeefficiency and flexibility in learning. However, implementing digital technologiesencounters several challenges, such as limited funding, the need to improve digitalliteracy among teachers and students, and the necessity to uphold ethical standards.Conclusions: The study underscores the importance of a comprehensive approach toeducational digitalization, emphasizing the integration of advanced technologies intothe learning process. Future research could explore practical implementation of thedigital university model, assess its effectiveness across diverse socio-cultural contexts,and develop strategies to support the sustainable advancement of digital education.